18 November 2009

Guilty Pleasure Item of the Season #2 -- Combat Boots

Now, lately, I'd been musing about the practicality of a pair of Combat Boots. Would it be more practical than Victorian style lace up boots? Would I look like Daria Morgendorffer? Is it just not my aesthetic? In my own mind, I had convinced myself that Combat boots were something every girl needed, but i refused to buy them until i found the RIGHT pair.

I am restraining myself from going back to Bloomingdale's tonight and trying them on. I feel like there should be some kind of censor in me that says "No." but there isn't and well, I know if I show up in CT with these at Thanksgiving my mother will ask herself where she went wrong.


  1. get it oh my fucking god. it's so wrong but SO RIGHT

  2. i can't really get into this trend and i'm not sure why :-/

  3. I DON'T CARE, I LOVE COMBAT BOOTS. Let's be combat cousins!
